Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Weaving by Choice, not by Need

For those new to this blog which is probably anyone reading right now:) You'll find an array of topics here as there are an array of things that goes on in my day to day life. My goal is to do all things to the Glory of God. Rather it's what I buy to how I dress may He be glorified.

With that said, I went into the office of the director at my place of employment yesterday and she said to me "nice hair I wish I had the guts to switch up like that". She'd been out of the country for a month and the last time she'd seen me, my hair was similar to the picture here. Now standing before her with my TWA (teeny weeny afro:))she made the above statement.

Then she went on to say it's the same boring style day after day for her. Actually she does switch up a bit, she's naturally blond and curly so she'll go from curly to straight every now and again. Yet primarily she stays curly and down. No up do's no braided styles nothing.

But and the point I'm leading to with this blog:) it got me to thinking it's primarily black women who will do such drastic changes to our hair and yet to us it's normal to switch and abnormal to go with a certain style for too long. Even getting on our friends and family who rock the "same boring style day in and day out" in our own opinions. That bothers me to a degree, especially in light of speaking with women who say they'd wear their hair natural if they felt it looked good on them, "I like it on you but not for me" Or "it's too much to manage" or any other reason given when reality is, we're so unfamiliar with our own hair texture that everything else but it feels normal. And the switching up isn't due to the style options but an escape from our own heads of hair.

I'll post my story of going natural in a future blog but further thought on the topic (I think a lot:)) reminded me of why I choose to wear weaves. Now it's either to protect my hair or well yeah primarily to protect my hair:) When my hair is out I tend to play with my curls to the point if it breaking off. There are also the elements which is why I'll most likely weave or braind this winter. The current lenght of my hair doesn't allow for many protective style options utilizing my own hair. Will blog on what that means in a future blog as well.

Lastly I weave/braid because I have the freedom to do so. Not due to a fear of not looking well in my own head of hair. One of the discoveries that led me to go natural in the 1st place is that I'm created in the image of God. He knows the number of hairs on my head from the greys to the lost ones! He gave me a head of hair that is uniquely (not better not less than) different from other people groups. So now I'm grateful to be able to say I weave not as a cover up but in the freedom of the option. I do find myself wanting to do so less and less, even thought I do my own hair I can't help but think this is money that could be utilized elsewhere which gets me to thinking about investing in quality hair that can be used more often and washed or totally letting it go as this option makes it more clear that it's some synthetic product or processed human hair! but that's another blog for another day:)

As soon as I remember to take a pic I'll do so and put an updated pic in my profile.

Photos Courtesy of

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