Tuesday, December 23, 2008

God at work Part II

It would be me writing about work during my two week vacay LOL. At any rate, don't want this post to go dead without coming back to it.

So as I was saying in the 1st post, coworker is wanting to quit because he feels this isn't a good environment for a Christian, he's stressed etc etc. Got me to thinking what ultimately makes us Christian and in relation to this post how are we to respond as Christians in such work environments? And let me and specifically because of some of the activities of this individual makes me wonder if he is indeed a Christian and honestly how he can see an offense.

Lastly stating how he has some basis for his gripe however I do wonder if he feels the way he does out of being grieved or is it yet another case of someone who sees Christ religiously and therefore unable to see how to be Christian in a sin filled world.

On one hand the scriptures tell us to come out from among them and to be separate 2 Corinthians 6:17

Therefore "Come out from among them And be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, And I will receive you. NKJV
But on the other hand we're told to let our lights shine before men Matthew 5:16

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

One of those things that the unbeliever loves to point at and say ah ha contradicted themselves here. However on the 1st account God is calling His people whom He'd chosen to come out be separate set apart to walk in the newness of the Spirit and not the deadness of the flesh. This is an internal work that will manifest externally. So I won't be up in a strip club dollars in hand talking about I'm letting my light shine, in that instance I would reject such a place because I've been set apart. Yet if one of my neighbors work at that same club I wouldn't shun them I'd give them the gospel.

So on the other hand we are to let our to let our lights shine before men and that's mankind not just males:) Which brings me back to the work situation. Although because of the particular work environment it can call for more lifestyle choices to be up in our faces and for the sake of not totally revealing where I work, think on the fashion industry or cosmetology. So say I work at a salon and have in the past where there are homosexuals working there, I wouldn't suddenly not work at a hair salon or even that particular salon. I would again let my light shine, steer away from any conversation that isn't edifying and probably turn down some outings with coworkers but that would be the case anywhere I work unfortunately even in some Christian settings/environments. What would cause me to leave is if that lifestyle somehow made it's way into the business, being an integral part of it like say a couples package or something of the sort. And taking that stand in a secular environment could be the tool God uses to draw someone, or it could mean for you persecution and nothing more. Could mean bad days at work with seemingly no rewards. And let me be clear all environments aren't up for participation. As I stated I wouldn't go to and for the sake of the topic, work at a strip club.

The thing that usually makes me want to leave my job is the fact that people seek to gain power by stepping on or over everyone else. But as I was reading the notes in my ESV Study bible, the meek will inherit the earth on the basis of NOT doing these things. Once I realized it was my own flesh wanting to react to what was being done to me or others, not the wrongness of it and how they're sinning against the LORD than I was able to see things more clearly. Not that things don't bother me, but just enough for me to know this isn't a permanent place for me, God has me here as stated in last post for a specific reason and teaches me not to be that way and think I'm getting ahead in how I treat others.

So bottom line is yielding to Him and doing what He says do rather if led by the Holy Spirit or led by the written word. And the Holy Spirit won't lead you apart from the word let me add. But conviction can indeed come from something God has stated in His word but we also have to ensure we're rightly dividing the word of truth. That we're drawing our conclusions off of what it says not how we've translated it or how we feel in relation to what it says solely what God has spoken to us via His word.

My coworker goes through this all of the time, so I'm praying for an opportunity to get into conversation with him about it biblically as I wasn't able at the time he'd approached me.

Yet I encourage anyone going through the same to examine the situation before being quick to leave. Important point is that it's examined because if the issue lies in you it'll go with you wherever you go. Common sense at times can let us know when it's time to go so not suggesting anyone stay in a dead end position thinking it' glorifying God. However am suggesting before one says it isn't ensure they know what He has to say about such situations.

I have tons of Job posts to put up so I'm sure I'll be back on this one:)

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