Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Renewing this mind of mines

The difficult thing about getting back on track with weight loss is that I'm immediately reminded of the fact that I could have been so much closer to the finish line than I currently am, and that I now have to work off the gain.

However I've already determined the biggest battle will be mental. Already know what to do as far as what to eat is concerned, as well as physical. But if I can kill thoughts, stop them in their tracks I'll be good. Anything from the above mentioned or even as I said to a coworker the other day, sometimes my issue is just laziness I don't feel like thinking about food all of the time, what I'll eat how many calories it has I just want to pick it up and eat it!

Usually when those thoughts come in, the do the work of steering me in the direction I feel I should be going hey don't want to be disappointed don't worry about any loss and you won't have to be. Don't feel like counting calories eat what you want. you weren't created to be thin anyway etc etc etc. So the battle is on with this her mind of mines so that I can keep it moving even when I don't feel like it and making correct choices even when I don't want to. Now I do all things in moderation not seeking to change that however won't be eating three cheese mac & cheese because I don't feel like focusing on what I'm eating. I'm personally tired of the run around it's time for this stuff to go!

On that note heading to the gym:)


chakia said...

I feel you. I've gained some of the weight back that I've lost due to lack of consistent exercise and eating more. I'm trying to get back on track and not giving in to cravings (although it has not been working much! lol)

I'm at the point where I want to eat until I'm full and nothing more and I'm trying to go back to eating more healthier things. It's a challenge, but I know I can do it.

faith(215) said...

Yes I'm sick of it LOL hopefully enough that that'll speak louder than the love of food!! Fighting now wanting to snack for no reason whatsoever I'm not at all hungry but my body is craving something.

I do actually like the gym I joined so that helps. I fought it tooth and nail, joining a gym that is because I felt it would be a waste of money when I could just do it at home until I realized I can't just do it at home LOL at least not right now getting it off because I wasn't getting up in the morning and tired when I get home which has to do with the lack of activity and excess weight, so this is working lovely thus far.

And it's not packed with people, love that pray the desire to keep it going stays.

And yes we can do it man LOL.

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