Thursday, July 16, 2009

SCF Update

So since I've been doing The Lord's Table at Setting Captives Free ( things have been good. I've been able to identify reason for eating better and doing what they call GBS (growling belly syndrome) to decide when I will and will not eat. That is a ridiculously easy accountability method that I'd never EVER thought about before. I've actually done this before but not consciously. Eating everything in moderation until satisfied, but not necessarily eating only when hungry.

It's a common sense thing but truly not something most of us actually put into practice and it's changing the way I look at how I eat. For instance the recommendation is to eat only when hungry, so when I eat dinner I'm not usually hungry for dessert or any snacks so it's like well what do I do I'm not going to stop snacking. On those occasions I may want to opt to snack over having a full meal. Doesn't mean I'd eat junk food all day and nothing else, but that there is no law that says I have to eat what would be considered a full meal to have had dinner or breakfast or lunch. If I crave an ice cream sundae and that fills me then that's what I eat for that meal and if I get hungry again, then I eat something else. And the key thing is moderation so doesn't mean I would choose to eat a sundae daily but on occasion it's not going to kill me and I'll find myself more satisfied in the long run.

Being I'd want to make the wisest food choices it'll mean snacking will decrease because I'm finding I'm not always hungry for them which is a good thing, learning my body and how much extra I can give it. Probably the key to why I'd struggle to lose weight when I was doing everything right because I probably was overeating and not realizing especially being I'd guesstimate not measure.

So it's really really good and spiritually my eyes are being open to so so much it's amazing, things that can creep into our hearts without truly realizing they're there and the work being done, all I can say is how gracious God is for re-reminding me of this site and now being committed to make the heart change.

One thing that I wasn't expecting is that they do have a weekly weight in, wasn't expecting it because the central theme isn't weight loss, it's a benefit to the program so I'd planned on going with the flow as I'd already planned to give my scale to my bro to hold however this will allow me to get the needed discipline in this area also, not peeking at the scale all of the time but just that one time to update on my course. And if I didn't mention in my last post I have an accountability partner seeing me through.

I can do a run down on so many answered prayers with this thing it's not even funny. And looking forward to finally being free from this roller coaster for good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey! I think I may join you. I think I need to do this and this will be helpful to me. I did the way of purity course and it was a blessing.

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