Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I purchased Fireproof on Saturday and have been watching it ever since, excellent movie. Some of the acting was a bit interesting at times if someone is looking for this spectacular could win an Oscar performance. However I still feel as though it was good and liked the small bits of comedy added to it.

But the message! Oh my goodness I've blogged before on the fact that we're focusing on love in bible study, the primary verse we're studying is Romans 12 and we've been in it for at least two months, tying in other verses as well of course but it's been such a blessing because each time something new is learned.

So when I saw Fireproof, it was like watching the scripts in action. I especially love how the couple started out as unbelievers, which the same downfall can and has happened to believers as well, but it shows God's love for us while we were still sinning, still unrighteous before Him. We didn't come to us clean no matter what our story may be. Then and without giving away the movie:) The steps that were taking to restore the marriage.

It's a great movie/lesson for both married and unmarried alike. I know I've been struggling to love some folks and sometimes you can feel foolish giving yourself to be used, beat on, not loved in return etc. And there is a point in which one needs to know when they have to walk away from a situations and pray for the individual but not sow into their lives. But due to flesh, that's something that one has to be careful with because we can find ourselves as the world does leaving people hanging that God called us to love and then blame God for it like oh no He didn't call me to do that or to love that person. So seeing the example of how you can walk through it was a blessing, and it may not always end with the person changing but it's prayer and God's direction that should tell us when to walk away, not our feelings....and not speaking on walking away from marriages but say witnessing situations that are more personable, there are times when they won't be converted and one must wipe the dust off and keep it moving.

But speaking of walking way from marriage, I was so disheartened to hear on the radio Sunday, 103.9 a gospel station here in Philly someone called in (was in the car with some sisters from church going to dinner) and said she just got her second divorce and she feels so free. And the host is giving her airwave high fives so to speak and she continues on to say how she's going to love on herself and wait for the man God has for her this time around. As I was listening I could feel the frown marks in my forehead so I said to myself can't judge her situation because there is one out clause for her concerning marriage perhaps he'd committed adultery and in both cases.

However even if that is the case and while she didn't say for sure I don't get that impression, divorce is certainly not a thing to be celebrated and the Hollywood ideal of a perfect marriage has to be done away with. My pastor's wife often tells us during women's fellowship, when she first got saved her husband got saved not long after her. They'd separated for a spell and let me add they don't have problem with their story being told, wouldn't put out such sensitive info if not okayed. Well she begin to pray that God would give her a new husband, actually before the separation I believe (also makes sense:)) and she said God didn't change the man no matter what she prayed, but He did change her. Taught her how to love him and eventually changed him as well. My pastor often speaks on how great their marriage is to date and also quick to say I praise God for it because it wasn't always that way and a day can come where hard times can hit them again yet grateful for where He has them.

I didn't like that story at first LOL because when it was told the first time I was dealing with that very thing. Not being married it wasn't with a spouse but with, not even sure a family member or friend or someone in the body or all three:) But God has/is truly teaching me how to love on enemies and kill the whole notion on being slighted and what about me and blah blah blah.

Wrapping up my long post:) Check out the movie be edified and share with friends, probably a good movie to watch with your mate for those married and with friends if unmarried.

1 comment:

faith(215) said...

Woops that should read still sinners, I certainly haven't graduated from sinning and will not until the day I'm up off of this earth. Nevertheless also dying to sin at the same time so no promo's for sin here:)

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