Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Craziness in the Hood

My bro's friend since elementary school told him to warn me about being careful in my neighborhood. Basically there is a specific corner that he's on often and some guys drove up on them and robbed them got back in their car. Now that I'm typing may be drug related, friend may not be selling but wouldn't wouldn't be surprise that it's going down on that corner. So may have been an targeted issue nevertheless I was being warned about the hold up being he often sees me walking down that block.

I've been wanting to buy a car which I was planning to do in the Spring but immediately thought, getting that car ASAP. Funny because I was just talking about not needing a car and well I don't when it comes to the reason I said it. Don't need a car to get around living in the city. However there is a comfort in having a card driving right to my door when there is chaos going on where you live.

Yet I never want to have the attitude of needing a car as if it's the only mode of transportation in the world. Or something protecting me other than Jesus Christ. Wisdom says to get a car for a few reasons. My church fam will not let you walk home although I'm walking distance from my house LOL which is a blessing but don't want to inconvenience anyone if I don't have to as well as having that additional vehicle to offer rides to those that don't have cars and aren't as conveniently located to the church as I am. Then I also take night classes that don't let out late and it's just better to get out of my car than to get off of the bus and walk to my house which involves passing that corner.

Yet and still God is the one that keeps me and encamp his angels around me, my home, my child etc. So I had to place focus on him rather than getting caught up in situations. There has been plenty of times when I'd get home and two seconds later hear gun shots coming from up the street or where I've taken a different route home thinking for no particular reason, to miss the same type of incident happening at the time I would have gone down the street. So He is indeed the keeper of his own folk.

I've felt/feel that God has me right where He does for a reason in terms of where I'm living so not sure that I'm leaving this area any time soon and never really wanted to until recently. ATL is looking rather nice right about now:) And not sure if it's the violence going on or what but now I feel that nudge to move on but don't think that's His will for me right now, especially being I haven't not seen the things He's placed on my heart specific to this area come to pass.

The crazy thing is my neighborhood would be considered one of the nicer ones, I've lived on this block most of my life, inheriting it after my mom's passing so I can give a history from the 70's into current day. It's going downhill as people move out, never know what's coming in behind them or elderly pass away and family members not caring about the upkeep of the home or that member who is most likely to need to lean on the rest of the family, gets the house or just the unguided youth of this time. We did our stuff but today it's like no respect or fear of anything.

But it's like I tell all other believers in this area that eventually get a desire to leave. Place that disdain in proper perspective, get out there and do something. Even if it's being an example in the neighborhood. Wives loving on husband husbands loving on wive raising up their children to have a standard singles representing their ability to be satisfied in Christ, and getting out to the neighbors showing them the hope that is in Jesus Christ. No matter how crazy things get, He is always the one in control and has the final say when it comes to who can touch a hair on our heads.

Still going to get that car because it's time:) Yet not because I'm looking for a little bit more safety nothing is guaranteed and truth be told I was more noit when I drove than not, who's going to jack me or snuff me out because I'm not driving to their expectations etc. So can't depend upon things to be our covering. And grateful for the warning so that wisdom will show me what to do in my surroundings but also to pray, to be more active in reaching out to the community and simply being light in darkness.

Monday, December 29, 2008

How should a husband and wife manage having opposite sex-drives?

I came across this article via Desiring God's Twitter page I believe and the title caught my attention. Although I'm not married myself, I enjoy reading these sort of things for when/if I marry, as well as passing along to those that are married. I love how candid John Piper is when it comes to the sex topic and often surprised. Don't know why I expect less because the bible is candid in spite of how veiled many want to believe the topic should be or themselves fear it.

His short answer to the above question is 1 Corinthians 7 which says (in short can read full verse on blog) Do not withhold from each other your conjugal rights. This was one of my favorite verses as a new Christian. Because society likes to have well society:) believe that sex is for men women tolerate, put up with, and maybe enjoy but they don't have the drive that a male does or she doesn't get the same satisfaction as he does which is false. So to read Paul letting not just the men but the women know that her husband's body is for her it was like okay praise God:) And let me add not married abstinent for over 12 years and do not recommend tasting this gift outside of God's plan. Aside from all the pain associated with sex out of wedlock, the sin against God is not worth it and can lead to many struggles both in marriage and as you wait to marry. But that's another topic.

Back to the topic, belonging to one another is not about either in the relationship having their way as they please so much as it is about being their for the other persons pleasure as in I should desire to submit in that area to my husband not merely go off of how I feel about having sex at that moment. Where as society teaches the opposite, it's your body to do as you please so if you want to manipulate your husband by withholding sex from him because he didn't do something you wanted him to do by all means. Or if you don't like sex you don't have to address the issue it's your body you don't have to participate in the act if you don't want to. Then when an affair is had, the one withholding feels like a victim rather than a co-conspirator. I love how God's plans seek to be of good for both parties involved. Telling married couples to not withhold from one another except for mutual consent to commit to fasting and prayer and then come together again so that Satan doesn't get up in there with temptation, my paraphrased version peep verse in 1 Corinthians 7:5. And Piper ties it together in the article to show how it's a selfless act, not one to treat each other as tools to fulfill a personal need but to enjoy one another and seek one another's satisfaction.

At any rate, check out the article by piper here:

Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Gathering

The Lord has blessed me to be the leader of a ministry at my church called The Gathering. It's bittersweet really, on one hand I'm seeing the promises of God manifest. On the other hand I'm facing much persecution due to people thinking they know "what will work" what shouldn't be done or did you do this that and the third right? And currently the volume of youth that are showing up so far or people in general. As people believe the numbers signify rather or not God's message is going fourth. That if the same event was greeted with a packed house, it would show that the "Lord's hand was on it". Yet I'm convicted that God isn't merely calling the Church to swell. That when the disciples went out and taught the word of God, that "the numbers increased daily (Acts 16:5)".

It was the strengthening and the decree that went fourth that added to the numbers not an event and that's what I'm praying for as far as The Gathering is concerned. Anyone can get hype off of an event and come out to support it oppose to having a fervent love for the Lord and drive to keep His commandments that they want to soak Him up at every given opportunity. So rather there is one or one hundred in attendance may it be due to the fact that either their drawn because the truth is evident, they come as enemies because the truth is evident, or they no longer return, because the truth is evident. But not because it's a nice place to be lukewarm and entertained within that fact.

I know that's one of several reasons I enjoy First Friday Fundamentals at Epiphany Fellowship. I cannot recall the 1st time I went but every month I sit in anticipation as to rather I'll be able to attend. I'm not driving currently (something I'm hoping to change come Spring:)) so I have to depend on the ride of others. Not so much getting there but going home not trying to hit up Philly streets that time of night on foot and praise God for the wisdom because young girl me would have cared less. But point being I love to go not because Shai Linne the rapper is hosting or because some other rapper will well rap LOL, but because God is glorified in the teaching. Everything is well thought out and planned and even that which may at first glimpse appear to be secular promotion, it all directs us to Christ. Equipping the believer to be in this world and not of it.

And that's my hope for The Gathering, the format isn't FFF praise God because I have to pray not to duplicate it quite honestly especially due to the platform and my love for what's being done in it. But that the teens (as well as adults that attend with them) walk away having grown more in the Lord or having revealed that they don't know Him. That it will be a "event" where the same faces are coming back monthly because they need to hear what thus saith the Lord, rather than sporadically only when someone they want to hear is "performing". And if one Friday the plan is to do nothing but pray for that evening, that I'm not greeted with an empty space. And that these young people have a place to speak on the things they'd dare not in other arenas/ministries.

It's again bittersweet, God is faithful and He's even further teaching me in this ministry, for one if He's not the standard I don't have a leg to stand on. If He's not the focus I'd be disappointed by the current turn out and if my love isn't directed towards Him, I'd missed all that He's saying not just to these youth but myself as well.

Pray with me saints of God as He uses me as He pleases within this ministry that I'd keep right focus, that He'd get His glory and that people walk away changed or walk away never to return because there is no place for such change in them.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

What makes the difference?

I spent Christmas in Jersey with my bro in law's fam actually, his aunt and cousins and it was a blessing. We were originally suppose to have Christmas at my brother's house but his in laws who often times have go work on the holidays found out they wouldn't be working after all so Christmas day was spent there for him and his fam.

We did go to my bro's house Christmas Eve however, we follow the tradition (to my surprise not everyone does this:)) were we get up or stay up until 12 midnight and open gifts. Back in the day it was mom doing the Santa thing and waking us up to get "the gifts he brought to us". Now being redeemed we don't do Santa LOL so it's simply enjoying that tradition and opening the things the Lord blessed us to be able to purchase/get/give.

Stayed up until 3 in the morning!!! Almost 2 year old niece included and from there went to my sis house in Jersey or Christmas day it was a blessing although a bit away from the norm.

Fast forwarding to why I'd originally thought to post this, yesterday my sis, niece and I were going out for some coffee and I'd asked if she'd go to McDonald's (my sis was driving). Thanksgiving was also spent in Jersey and on the way back to Philly during that time, my sis went to McDonald's and I said to myself, watch this taste better than what I get in Philly and it did. Who knows what made me think of that but I just knew the quality would be better. So yesterday I was like I want to go and get another authentic mcmuffin before I go back home because for whatever the reason it tastes better. The last one I'd brought in Philly was hard as a brick and I was salty because I'd brought it on my way to work so didn't find out until I was sitting at my desk 1/2 an hour away from the McDonald's I'd brought it from. I was tempted to hold it until the next morning and take it back but I know me in my flesh if they gave me a problem I would have been in there going off on folk, can't go off on folk and tell em about Jesus too so I opted to eat what I could and throw the rest away chalk it up to being a loss.

Now I usually check my food because there's always something wrong or someone neglecting to mention they've run out of an ingredient they assume I don't want LOL like the person who sold me a big mac, same McDonald's neglecting to tell me they ran out of special sauce ummm yeah I might want that otherwise I can just by a cheeseburger:).

But this time around, I'm distracted by the cashier fussin out a customer who claimed he'd asked for one thing, she's telling him he did not etc etc etc so I didn't take the time to check out my own food. Whereas service in Jersey service was excellent and fancy that everything was cooked correctly and had all of it's promised ingredients:).

Same thing a few weeks ago by bro and his fam went shopping in Delaware, went to Target brought some popcorn, the best popcorn I ever had in my life and customer service was insane, in a good way.

Now of course this isn't really about popcorn and mcmuffins not even a huge fan of Mickey D's anymore just tend to tolerate it, but it did get me to thinking. What is it bout Philly that makes the residence the way that we are. Short answer sin of course but what is the process that causes one part of the world to produce one way of thinking/being and another a completely different way. And literally having two places right next door present something that's a world apart. This isn't to say I only receive bad customer service and jacked food in Philly LOL but again these situations got me to thinking about this, that McDonald's is more of a true representation of the city whereas the Jersey experience, specific to where I was let me add Williamstown, was reflective of that area, can't say as much about DE because I'm not there enough to comment.

A sis from NY that comes to my church on Sunday's while here for college made the statement that people in Philly are nice. Myself and a long time resident (originally from VA) both commented on the fact that we feel the two to be equal just larger and therefore more of the ignant LOL. Back in the day a friend of mines and myself would go to NY like every other day, just if we wanted something to do and one day we decided to just up and go to the village, taking greyhound and public transportation. Well we got the bus we needed to go up, but on the way home it dawned on us, we came up a one way street so we would need to figure out how to get the bus back. Trying to do so without asking too many people LOL and getting fussed out by the ones we did ask, scolded for approaching strangers not get out of my face nut attitude. I was 21 at the time actually I remember because it was my bday and I wanted to buy some shoes that no body else would have in Philly LOL, to this day can still rock them at 35 and haven't seen another pair, yet also grateful for a change in mentality although I do want to go to NY to buy some shoes now, care less if someone else is rockin em.

Anyway so we're looking like tourists as we're searching for this bus stop and some guy decided to take advantage of that by messing with us as the "big bad Nyer" My friend and I looked at each other, then at him and proceeded to tell him how we are from Philly and we'd do abc xyz to him "YOU DON'T REALLY WANT IT WE PHILLY" LOL. FOOLISH as I think about it today, yet that's the type of boldness that many a Philadelphian rocks that they will dwell on your home turf and proceed to tell you how they're better. Yes NY included. If they're for the city mind you not every residence is a lover of it.

But it brings me back to the question, where does that stem from what is it about this city that makes the residence so hardened? OF course it's not the city itself but the people in it, shaping mindsets making the city as dirty as it is to where that's the most memorable thing to an outsider looking in. Being on the bus having no regard for the elderly as they either play their music on cell phones, cuss loud and crude and will curse you out too if you dare to approach them. Where customer service is truly a lost art and going to the manager only gets the cashier backed up, not correct the situation. Again this isn't a universal issue but prevalent enough to make mention.

And this isn't just a Philly thing I'm sure there are other cities that can say yeah you thought NY was bad spend a few days in "mention city here". So what makes the difference, gave the short answer sin, another short answer Satan seeking to kill, steal, and destroy, I'm a firm believer that he sets up things in different territories and it becomes the specific battle for the ministers in the area to recognize pray about kill via the word of God.

Which makes me ponder, what are we as God's chosen to get at these things? How are our individual places of residence being shaped because we're there, and not us but the Holy Spirit working through us to present the standard, show them the way to life?

Again me pondering:) But feel free to comment below, what's going on in your city, the sin that's specific to where you reside as well as what you see the Lord doing through His folk where you are?

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

Welp it's Christmas Eve and I wanted to take some time out to wish everyone that checks out this blog a Merry Christmas. This may be the 1st year that I'm not buggin about money spending and the greed/consumerism of the holiday. I always felt that the one were seeking to celebrate, Jesus Christ is the last person we think on. Perhaps because I myself purposed in my heart not to do a lot of shopping and to give to those that are not among my household and focus on those close to me that is causing my change in thinking.

Then I'm really looking forward to celebrating with my family who are (at least a good number are) believers as well. Celebrating Him doesn't have to mean focusing on say a set way of doing things but giving Him glory in how we love and reflect His love to others. For instance I was reading a review for Candice Water's book Help Get Married. Not even sure why actually I must have clicked on it.....okay I know why I'd commented to a past review and went to view responses. The negative reviews took issue with some of what the book stated and mentioned that our desire should be in the Lord and not seeking a mate (paraphrased statement). I felt the thought unfair being the nature of the book being this isn't a review of it, won't get into heavy detail of it.

What is making me think of it is, at some point in my response I mentioned that we can glorify God in marriage, being that marriage is an earthly example of Christ's love for the church. It's true those desires have to be properly submitted, examined etc. But the mere mention of the desire seems to put many in a frenzy followed with a need of the individual in said frenzy to warn people to love and hope in the Lord not marriage. Problem is not everyone who desires marriage, have an off desire or seeking to be fulfilled via a mate and at times it's even His shaping the desire and drawing people to one another. And therefore He's glorified (my statement also paraphrased:))

Tying into Christmas, just because some, okay many are consumed by the buying an out doing each other etc. Doesn't mean that's everyones agenda and my primary focus is for it not to be my own. Even if it means being a light among those who do make that their primary focus. Rather than stating my stance of not falling into the traps. Showing love and being a godly example of how this holiday can be enjoyed without going broke.

So I'm looking forward to doing just that enjoying family and friends. Thanking and praising my Lord, the only one born to die and for someone so unworthy as myself. It's amazing and I for one and so grateful for His sacrifice.

I pray that you and yours have a very Merry Christmas, that you enjoy your family and friends. And if you have neither to speak of I pray the peace of the Lord will consume you. That you will enjoy Him and love on Him. Dig into His word get to know Him all the more.

Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Isaiah 7:14 Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel.

Luke 1:30-33 Then the angel said to her, "Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name Jesus. He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David. And He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His kingdom there will be no end."

Grace & Peace Donna aka faith215

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Design Watch-Real Time Photoshop

Isn't this cool. For Photoshop users or those at least familiar with their layout. Here is a real life version of Photoshop showing the actual tools, paints artboard etc. To see the process and a better shot of this picture, visit their flickr here

God at work Part II

It would be me writing about work during my two week vacay LOL. At any rate, don't want this post to go dead without coming back to it.

So as I was saying in the 1st post, coworker is wanting to quit because he feels this isn't a good environment for a Christian, he's stressed etc etc. Got me to thinking what ultimately makes us Christian and in relation to this post how are we to respond as Christians in such work environments? And let me and specifically because of some of the activities of this individual makes me wonder if he is indeed a Christian and honestly how he can see an offense.

Lastly stating how he has some basis for his gripe however I do wonder if he feels the way he does out of being grieved or is it yet another case of someone who sees Christ religiously and therefore unable to see how to be Christian in a sin filled world.

On one hand the scriptures tell us to come out from among them and to be separate 2 Corinthians 6:17

Therefore "Come out from among them And be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, And I will receive you. NKJV
But on the other hand we're told to let our lights shine before men Matthew 5:16

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

One of those things that the unbeliever loves to point at and say ah ha contradicted themselves here. However on the 1st account God is calling His people whom He'd chosen to come out be separate set apart to walk in the newness of the Spirit and not the deadness of the flesh. This is an internal work that will manifest externally. So I won't be up in a strip club dollars in hand talking about I'm letting my light shine, in that instance I would reject such a place because I've been set apart. Yet if one of my neighbors work at that same club I wouldn't shun them I'd give them the gospel.

So on the other hand we are to let our to let our lights shine before men and that's mankind not just males:) Which brings me back to the work situation. Although because of the particular work environment it can call for more lifestyle choices to be up in our faces and for the sake of not totally revealing where I work, think on the fashion industry or cosmetology. So say I work at a salon and have in the past where there are homosexuals working there, I wouldn't suddenly not work at a hair salon or even that particular salon. I would again let my light shine, steer away from any conversation that isn't edifying and probably turn down some outings with coworkers but that would be the case anywhere I work unfortunately even in some Christian settings/environments. What would cause me to leave is if that lifestyle somehow made it's way into the business, being an integral part of it like say a couples package or something of the sort. And taking that stand in a secular environment could be the tool God uses to draw someone, or it could mean for you persecution and nothing more. Could mean bad days at work with seemingly no rewards. And let me be clear all environments aren't up for participation. As I stated I wouldn't go to and for the sake of the topic, work at a strip club.

The thing that usually makes me want to leave my job is the fact that people seek to gain power by stepping on or over everyone else. But as I was reading the notes in my ESV Study bible, the meek will inherit the earth on the basis of NOT doing these things. Once I realized it was my own flesh wanting to react to what was being done to me or others, not the wrongness of it and how they're sinning against the LORD than I was able to see things more clearly. Not that things don't bother me, but just enough for me to know this isn't a permanent place for me, God has me here as stated in last post for a specific reason and teaches me not to be that way and think I'm getting ahead in how I treat others.

So bottom line is yielding to Him and doing what He says do rather if led by the Holy Spirit or led by the written word. And the Holy Spirit won't lead you apart from the word let me add. But conviction can indeed come from something God has stated in His word but we also have to ensure we're rightly dividing the word of truth. That we're drawing our conclusions off of what it says not how we've translated it or how we feel in relation to what it says solely what God has spoken to us via His word.

My coworker goes through this all of the time, so I'm praying for an opportunity to get into conversation with him about it biblically as I wasn't able at the time he'd approached me.

Yet I encourage anyone going through the same to examine the situation before being quick to leave. Important point is that it's examined because if the issue lies in you it'll go with you wherever you go. Common sense at times can let us know when it's time to go so not suggesting anyone stay in a dead end position thinking it' glorifying God. However am suggesting before one says it isn't ensure they know what He has to say about such situations.

I have tons of Job posts to put up so I'm sure I'll be back on this one:)

Monday, December 22, 2008

Faith in the 215-Stephen Brindle's EPK

This is a new feature I'm adding to put more focus on the whole purpose of me starting this blog:) Featuring individuals, ministries etc. of the faith here. Really isn't about this city so much as a platform to bring attention to what the Lord is doing in this area.

Up first is Stephen Brindle's EPK:

Sunday, December 21, 2008

His Love Story- A Boundless Article

There is a great article on in relation to marriage. It features stories of different ways God brought two people together. I know in my experience of asking about marriage (in the past let me add) people often times would give their stories which is great but limiting because they couldn't see beyond what God had done for them so say someone that wasn't looking to marry met and married their husband, they can't comprehend someone saying they desire to marry and seeking wisdom, prayer etc from the body. Or a guy saying he's seeking a wife. So this article is a blessing and testimony of the many ways God can orchestrate relationships.

You can peep the article here.

Friday, December 19, 2008

God at Work Part I

I had a conversation with my coworker this morning that lead me to thinking. First of all, what is it that ultimately make us Christian, not asking with a lack of knowledge concerning my question but more so pondering. Let me explain the situation.

Coworker informs me he may be leaving this place of work because he's really stressed, doesn't like the current leader in the company not as a person but lifestyle choices and "it's not a right environment for a Christian".

In talking to this coworker specifically concerning Christianity, I don't plead the fifth but I've learned in past situations/rebukes not to point fingers the way that I may want to. As much as we can speak on things concerning doctrine, I find myself wondering if he's indeed saved and therefore pray for him and refute that which is needed without opening up arguments. Which is what caused me to ponder, what ultimately makes us Christian and how are we to respond to diverse situations.

Certainly there are working conditions that are to be if not totaly avoided before even considered applying for them, left because it presents such a struggle or would be like casting pearls before swine. I too can relate to his desire to leave for these reasons. The issue for me is on a personal level I know the Lord has me hear for a reason one getting educated for free in the area of print and web design. The other, I've witnessed to individuals who may have only had a church experience, never heard the gospel. As well as believers who also know more church experience than gospel. Although indeed saved by grace through faith, the walking it out would be a bit scketchy and knowing God purposely brought us together to edify, not just me doing so but being as well.

Then there is the issue of being in the culture not of it. Opportunities a plenty present themselves to be a light in darkness. Not participating in certain functions, attitudes and language how we respond to things etc. I know for a fact that the Lord has shown me undeserved favor on the job from being made into a permanent employee after temping for several years to promoting me rather quickly through the ranks to which I just recently mentioned to said coworker these promotions are coming from Him not man or my own ability because truth be told I'm still clueless and in it all get praised for a job well done.

And it is indeed these things I have to dwell on when I'm about ready to bounce myself yet at the end of the day when the desire is to glorify God in all areas, it won't be emotions or discomfort that'll drive us away from a place but the desire to do His will live out this life for Him. And I simply don't see that being the case here. Will do a part to to speak more on it and certainly not beating up on coworker so much as using this situation to reflect on some things:)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

On the weight loss front

Okay so for those who'd followed me on or via theskinty on myspace. I'd mentioned I'd take down the site for a bit and either create a separate blog or blog on here. Decided to blog on here for now.

My goal for the skinty was not to be a site where I'd say I've done it now you can do it too, but a support system where myself and other believers came together as a means of accountability learning from one another praying for one another etc. While obtaining our goals. However it became work and lots of it, with no signs of growth. There is a balance to that we do not want to be totally dependent on anyone but God HOWEVER, it's God who calls us to one another, to be accountable to one another not being God but getting in where they can as being led by God. That's something so overlooked in an as long as I got Jesus I don't need anyone mentality or if you need me, it shows a weakness in the faith. Where as because of Jesus, I can humble myself and ask for help where needed and when received He gets total glory and when not received He still gets total glory:)

So hope to reinstate the site again sometimes soon am still continuing on in getting the weight off but focusing on that rather than the upkeep of a site as well.

So with that said, I will be posting on here and hope to some day see the vision of The Skinty realized for other women which will mean being on there after losing unfortunately. And nothing wrong with that, my only beef with that is we can get caught up in trying to be like so and so and doing what so and so did rather than doing what's best for us and our bodies our struggles or weaknesses. Yet I can still speak on those things even if someone is seeking to do what I'd done and sometimes that just is the key for someone else, seeing the success of someone that did it before them.

So with all of that said, I'll begin probably next week doing a weekly log. I'm sick this week so my judgement isn't too reliable and if I get enough readers who are interested in participating, will do some challenges with fellow bloggers on here.

****This was actually written earlier in the week so feeling much better:)

Looking forward to getting this stuff off!! Once and for all.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Great message from Josh Harris

And let me add, there are plenty of women that this applies to as well, insert gender role where needed:)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

No Poo

Okay this is a post I'd promised to do way back when I first started blogging and due to the downtime I mentioned in my previous post, I'm able to sit down and do it now.

Okay the no poo method of cleaning one's hair. First let me explain why I decided to try it. When I decided to try this method, I had a little afro (currently locing via loc extensions). My little afro would get extremely dry and therefore would break often. The drying was due to commercial shampoos which has an ingredients in it called Ammonium Laureth Sulfate and Sodium lauryl sulfate which helps create the pretty lather in the product yet dries out the hair. Hence my dried out lil fro. I'd heard of the no poo method which is an alternative to using these harsh chemicals but wasn't convinced it could clean my hair yet decided to try it.

The 1st method I tried and did so on my daughter was the conditioning wash. Basically you buy a conditioner like White Rain and use it to wash your hair. You put it on and rub the scalp, being sure to concentrate on the hair as well and do so just as you would when washing the hair with shampoo. I found that my daughter's curl pattern was more dominant I could finger comb through her hair without a lot of tangling and very little shedding.

The downfall I find with this method is that it doesn't help with product build up, including the conditioner itself. Therefore the method to aid in this is the vinegar and/or baking soda wash. And I found a nice detailed instruction on these processes via instructables so I'll direct you to it:

I'm still feeling my way around these methods because I've adapted to the conditioner wash to the point that that's what I'll go to before the vinegar/baking soda, until build up is experienced.

I personally like each method, they save you money doesn't strip your hair of their natural oils and prevent contact with harsh chemicals that can also be linked to disease. It can take a little bit getting use to especially being there won't be the lather or that squeaky clean feeling but the hair and scalp is indeed clean.

At home sick-a time of rest

Welp I'm at home sick with some sort of virus. Yesterday I couldn't even get out of bed to get to the doctor's which I have to go to to pick up a referral. Today I'm feeling a little better, but my poor child caught it and is suffering what I did yesterday.

By little better I can eat and sit up. However I'm grateful because I'm getting much needed rest and able to do something as small as writing this blog. Yet feel bad because I'll be off for two weeks beginning at the end of day Friday and so a lot of work will be on hold. Not so bad that I'll drag in sick LOL but I know work will suffer, even if I get in at the end of the week and will also mean more work for me when I come back Jan 5th.

Which brings me back to being grateful because I'll be able to go in afresh ready to work and probably even grateful for the load because it'll keep me busy through out the day, even the 1st week.

I'm also grateful for some rest from my night classes. It can be tough working full time taking care of home working in ministry at church and going to classes two nights a week that gets me home late. The payoff in each area is wonderful yet if not careful to prioritize and take time away when needed, we can indeed become run down and in turn useless in each of the areas we're trying to work so hard in.

So bottom line of my posting LOL is I'm sick but I'm grateful because it's allowing me some much needed rest and right before a long break that will provide more needed rest. Now I just have to hold to not filling each second with stuff and take advantage of resting and being refreshed.

Design Watch-Green Genes design

Love this design, and doesn't hurt that these are some of my favorite colors:)

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