Monday, October 6, 2008

Hair Loss and Hair Care

I feel a ton of hair posts coming on, I lost a lot of lenght last week due to dryness. I'm not one to obsess over lenght however I'd love for my hair to get to that point where if I didn't feel like stying it or simply don't have the time, I can put it in a nice puff and go about my business. What had happened was, and not sure if I mentioned any of this in my previous hair blog so forgive me of any repeats.

I went to my bro's house the Saturday before last to help him paint, well the paint flicked off of the brush soo much that the entire top of my head was rained on with off white specks. I didn't want to wash my hair there but I had to be somewhere immediately after I finished so had to wash my hair with Head and Shoulder's shampoo and conditioner combo. Ooohhh it smelled sooooo good but oh is it bad for my hair!!! I'll explain in more detail on my next hair post which will focus on why I use the no poo shampoo method.

Anyway I did one wash and tried to get most of the paint out with a brush. Got the paint out but later in the week my hair was really dry. I did a quick conditioning wash (one of the no poo methods) but I didn't leave it on long, plus it just may take a little bit before it gets back to normal. At any rate I decided to twist my hair this past Saturday for some protection on these ends and what was nice thick twists when I took my weave braid style is now thin and shorter.

I'm not fustrated like I would have been at one point in my life however I have concluded that if my hair will need babysitting, I will absolutely end up locking. My hair seems to like to grow only to an extent before it breaks and I'm seeking to pay better attention to it however as I said won't be babysitting or obsessing or let's get down to the nit and grit of it, idolizing my hair! Even with being a hairstylist for almost 20 years, learning my own hair texture has been quite interesting. For one we're not taught how to care for hair so much as we're taught how to acheive a certain look. It's like with unschooling I'm getting uneducated when it comes to some of the things I'd learned about haircare from beauty school. Not totally trashing school. Healthy hair is emphasized however when you use a harsh shampoo that strips your hair then use a conditioner to repair and replenish oppose to practices that'll prevent stripping in the first place, there's a problem with the methods taught.

However in striving to become more frugal, I'm learning all type of techniques to which my hair is thankful. Using the shampoo last week allowed me to see the huge difference in eliminating said product.

In my next hair post (which will be a few posts away) will focus more on what I mean, in detail.

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