Saturday, January 10, 2009

Shai Linne Storiez

Admittedly I do not have this CD yet. However it has quickly become one of my favorites that's been put out in Christian Hip Hop. And although not owned yet I've had plenty of listens to come to such a conclusion.

The quality of the production, the narration I've wanted to hear a CD like this for some time now where either each song had some sort of connect as in it's almost telling one big story in different songs, say someone speaking on their marriage from how dating began to falling in love, marrying, having kids, to struggles etc. Or like Storiez which tells multiple Storiez tied together via the narrator and Christ being the common link in each song.

Couple favorites for me is "Simple Love Story Feat. Keran Sabir" about a couple that comes together as unbelievers live together and the while nine, Jim & Kim but by God's grace get saved and then marries. I like it because it shows God's process from sinner to saint and in this situation, how a sinful relationship changed into one that glorifies God.

A second Favorite is "Martyrs Feat. Json, Evangel, God's Servant and Techniq" each emcee displays the life of a believer and details of how they were Martyred. I pray that we believers in the US would do more to understand what is going in for others in the faith in other parts of the world and not only have head knowledge but do something. Rather it's praying or hosting a family that comes here or whatever the case, in a case that I know of, a believer was basically kicked of Pakistan due to his faith. Recently went back to visit his very ill mother takes a huge risk on his life as he will not deny Christ hence why he was made to leave. Some stories are so much worse even but to live is Christ and to die is gain. This song shows what we ultimately align ourselves with when we receive Jesus as our savior. And while we may not face some of the persecution that our brothers and sisters in the faith do in other parts of the world our hearts and responses so be equal if ever faced with it and wouldn't be surprised to hear of stories that are occurring right here in the US.

Spurgeon just a blessing to learn so much about the prince of preachers in this one song. God often lays it on my heart to pray for our youth. That they would serve Him if indeed they are His as if they are indeed His. And not wait for an appropriate age to live for Him so to speak. Spurgeon is an example of many in the faith whom God drew unto Himself at an early age who was off and running from the start.

And there are others, just a dope Cd that is edifying, thought provoking, convicting and a few other things I'm sure that isn't coming to mind to mention:)

Definitely one to cop and also may I mention Shai is a Philly resident....only say due to the Faith(215) focus of this blog:)

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