Thursday, January 8, 2009

So far so good!!

Almost a week has gone by and I have not complained on the job (that I can think of Lord please bring to mind if I have!!) First of all it was difficult going in on Monday. I don't care if a person loves their job to pieces, it's hard to get back into that flow. But I had to prepare mentally to get in their without moping, murmuring, complaining, or letting others do so or have it agitate me if they were to but use it as an opportunity to shine His light.

I went into work and my coworker I spoke about in an older post (wanted to leave, felt like it's not a good environment for a Christian etc.) decided to change up some things as well to get in and get the job done. I mentioned I'm not going to complain, he responds I'll complain but....forget the end to that now:) I told him how it'll require prayer and that complaining only gives a false vision of the situation and causes you to become embittered towards the individual/situation you're complaining about. He responded so true right before going on to complain LOL, I'm not backing down however. Something I've said since I've started my job, I'd probably never love it to death because it's not something that I aspired to do. However I can clearly see God's purposes for me to be there and I'm grateful. I could have a job I really hate and it serve no other purpose than to get food on the table. Whereas there is joy that comes from being there and freedoms that I've never experienced elsewhere. Including putting on sermons all day and blocking out the noise:) So in many ways I have benefits that others do not (and not just speaking listening to podcasts:)) And my lack of zeal for the place isn't just the evil men do, it's not the career I'd seek after. Remembering those things, yet being grateful anyway, block out complainers and vultures that want to step on/over you to succeed what else is there to complain about. Well there is plenty LOL yet again with the choosing not to knowing that God at any time can change a situation and anything I go through is for my good.

Grateful for getting stronger in this area it's been a loooong time coming, please continue to keep me in prayer!!

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