Thursday, January 15, 2009

Still loving it (althought today's workout was hard!)

I thought I was doing something with my lil workouts, until I went to a boot camp class LOL. I did okay though considering it was a boot camp class and it's been a minute since I did that type of aerobic work out. I still enjoyed it but will be hitting the treadmill tomorrow and going back to classes next week.

The teacher of the class will give me a fitness assessment next week, suppose to have been on Monday until I remembered I'd be off on Monday but I was glad to hear I'd get that. I hadn't even considered thinking they'd have some sort of extra charges for specific programs. But she'd called me and let me know about it, basically testing my strenghts/weaknesses in areas and my goals. I'm so looking forward to that because it'll help me in what to focus on. AND I'm seeing that accountability I needed showing it's face in my going to the gym God is faithful.

Not sure if I mentioned it in the blog although I'm sure I have:) I'm posting my weight loss on the side bar of the blog, the whole truth my current weight and as I'm losing the current weight. I've also lost additional weight not posted but can't find my last records of weight loss to say how much. I'd gained back 20 something which got me to the 249 and again in the area of renewing my mind in this area, that's what will prevent me from getting frustrated by the fact that I'd gotten to 225 but got sloppy and let go again. All I know is that unless the Lord says otherwise, I will get back that and well beyond.

I'm so grateful this is only the second week but I can tell I'm moving towards lasting changes. Also making conscious decisions not to do my everything in moderation way of eating that I'd normally do, sticking to.... well shorter to say staying away from fries, burgers, cheesesteaks, etc for a while. I can typically enjoy these things in moderation and still lose but I find that I can eat something like this and want more more more. Where as I eat a salad and an apple for lunch, I'm good maybe I'll want a snack before I eat dinner but nothing that would have me go off on the deep end like jumping from cheeseburger to wanting chocolate to wanting ice cream etc etc etc.

So I'm encouraged looking forward to getting to a healthy weight.

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