Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Horrible day yesterday

I am convinced that the Lord is either using these migraines to break me, bring me to my knees for whatever reason. Or break me from my yo yoing, making me to fight for this weight loss this time around.

Because yesterday was soooo horrible, I got the worse migraine on one of the worse days, the night I have my class until 10:00 at night and more than the headache, I suffered nausea to the point I had to put my head down at work and work as I could. And it's a catch 22 because I'm so sure I'm getting these headaches due to needing to lose weight eat healthier. But when I make the changes to do so, I am more prone to get a migraine than when I'm eating whatever I please.

My first decision about it was to pray, that if there is something I am to learn, see do that I'm not that the Lord would allow me to clearly see. My other decision was to fight through these two weeks. Not going to stop doing the cleanse, did decide to get my DD coffee in case my body was just totally shocked by the lack of sugar, so that will be my one sugar item that isn't coming from fruit until my body gets use to not having as much again, so keeping that on taking migraine medication daily even if I don't feel one coming on, at least for these two weeks. And just enduring if one kicks in.

Unless none of the above matches with what the Lord reveals to me, that's the plan. suffering for two weeks is better than getting these things no less than twice weekly. Having small occasions of not getting any. And prayerfully it's just an issue of diet change if nothing else if I stick closely to the types of foods I'm eating on the cleanse, none are in the category (that I can think of) that triggers them. Just have to be careful of eating salads from salad bars.

On another note, I did weight myself this morning and weighed at 240. It's funny because I ate horribly over the weekend and last week. Also weighted myself I think Friday and I was 243, don't know what's going on with that but praise God. I basically in 3 months lost 4 pounds!!


I've mispoken in 3 months I've lost at least 9 pounds, I say at least because I didn't begin weighting myself right away and oh how I forgot my inches lost during my lil tantrum LOL. My point was I'm not losing as I should based on the efforts yet the efforts were stalled many times so in actuality I'm doing well. Just beating myself up because I'd gotten to 229 during my inital lost about 2 years ago now (WOW) and looking at having to lose just to get back to that point then the rest still to go. Which if God doesn't hold stuff over my head, why in the world do I!? A question I'll probably ask myself for....every time I do something like this:) Chosing right now to focus on the ability to lose, to work out, and not have something worse than migraines to overcome!!

****Update over:)***

With working out and largely due to going through changes with these headaches. But at the same time I'm so encouraged because as I stated in a post before, this is the hardest time I've ever had losing weight but it's also the longest I've endured with such trials coming my way. Usually when I see the scale isn't moving how I'd like, I toss my hands up and say forget it. So this is teaching me how to fight through something that's difficult and let me add seems as if I shouldn't have to go so hard for. To be patient, how I have to depend upon the Lord for all things because there is only so much I can do on my own in this, even when walking in His wisdom I have to learn when to stop and ask Him specifics.

So in all of the difficulty and what feels like tons of waisted time I'm mad encouraged and will see this thing through to the end.

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