Saturday, March 7, 2009

Weight Loss Update PT 1

My training sessions are almost over. Actually they should have ended a few weeks ago but due to some unforeseen situations I had to cancel a few times, extending the weeks which I'm actually glad about. It gives me a bit more time to ween myself back into going it solo. Also to help me with that, and I'm sure my trainer does some type of follow up with suggestions but I'm being proactive just in case I'm wrong and again to get myself going solo. I'd been training with her twice a week, taking her class on Thursdays and another class on Friday. So that I wouldn't get to myself and get comfortable with what I'd want to do with myself oppose to being pushed in the classes and training sessions. 

I'll continue with the two classes, well the one at least, the friday instructor does more of a yell at you Jillian style and that is not my ideal accountability method! Just being there over me usually motivates me to do it. If I stop it's because something is going on with my body or I can't do it. I will try to do an alternate exercise so that I'm not just sitting there and because I'm new she's not too bad on me when I fall off but even when it's not me it's agitating. So I may do the one class on Thursday and go solo the other three days, perhaps taking the Friday class to switch things up or dealing with it if needed. Don't like her style of teaching but she knows what she's doing so if I find myself being too laxed will suck it up and go. 

And speaking of Jillian (from the biggest loser btw) I brought  a workout dvd by her called the 30 day shred which looks to be like the same training that my trainer is doing with me currently. Again in the name of staying consistent, going to do this workout at home oh that's right going to do this in place of my training sessions and the class and one day solo. But now that I think of it the shred may require 30 days in a row so I'll see. 

Lastly I brought a GoWear fit band  which was my initial reason for starting this blog post but I've talked about anything but LOL, so I'm going to do a part duce as not to make this too long. 


Anonymous said...

Thanks for updating! I think I may get that 30 day shred, since my neighbor is moving from underneath me, I think I will have more freedom to jump around more! ;)

faith(215) said...

No prob:) It only cost me like $8 on Amazon forgetting the exact price tho.

I was going to try it yesterday but ended up doing my daughter's hair, I'm going to see if I can get it in today and write a post about how it was:)

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