There were some guys at my gym yesterday from ING Direct promoting a marathon they have going on in Philly. I'm thinking about doing it, it's not until September and it is an incentive to do more running during my workouts. Usually (when on treadmill) I do a 3 minute run which is so very rewarding but also wears me out, just those few minutes. I think for me I just don't like the way it feels oppose to it being that difficult. I also found it to be more enjoyable when I did the same on a track oppose to a treadmill. For now treadmill is my best option but when I begin to do my walks Saturday morning, I'll add running as well.
Now I just have to find out more info on this ing run. The guy gave me a card but it doesn't give a website and when I did a search on it, didn't find it. Didn't search really long/hard but nevertheless didn't find it. I'm thinking part of it is (actually I'm certain this is the case:)) to get people to sign up for ING so when they call I'll get the info then.
Even if I don't do this one, It's something I'm striving to do and spoke with my trainer about keeping me abreast of what's going on out there.
A friend of mine just did a marathon sponsored by ING in Atlanta in March. She was part of the pace team which walked for a few miles and then ran for a few miles. She finished in a pretty good time. She trained with Christian Runners.
I don't know if they have a branch in Philly, but it'll be good if you can hook up with some already seasoned runners.
My friend said when she first started she could barely keep up, but she did well for her first marathon.
Thanks for this info Chakia!! I don't see a philly branch but I'm going to write them about how one goes about starting one. I can imagine a few folks that would be interested.
And that's what I'm banking on a walk run:) The guy said he was going to speed walk I said yeah I can keep up with that:) Just have to press myself I think once I build up endurance I'll love it and will be one of the folks just running around the neighborhood:)
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