Monday, May 11, 2009

Weekend/Mother's Day

I didn't quite make my goal I'd set out for myself but I did lose 3.3 pounds which isn't too shabby:) And evidently my gain was a true one unless my weekend halted my lost. I didn't do terribly bad but it's always more difficult guesstimating calories than when I'm cooking for self or able to obtain NI for what I'm eating.

My plan this week is to stick with much of what I did last week, not hitting the gym twice daily (and only was able to do so a few times last week but did get in my days) but will keep busy to burn all of my calories needed for the day. I'm grateful to say I don't have any other food related plans for the rest of this month so not to say I won't go out to eat, but I won't make any plans to do so and will take advantage of the rest of this month in terms of really buckling down as I can think of at least 3 things for the month of June to plan through.

For Mother's Day I didn't do much. I was dealing with a stomach ache yesterday so didn't even make it out of the house and unfortunately meant not much movement at all really. I got through some cleaning so that helped but my usual routine would be go to church and do some sort of activity after church that would keep me busy at least to burn off some calories. I'm sure my body needed the rest but definitely missed getting that movement in.

My daughter gave me the most thoughtful gift, I've been buying her an outfit per pay so that I'm not loaded down with buying tons of new clothes at once and it's fun for her to get to look forward to that. She said mom this time buy a gift for yourself. Thoughtful considering her age 12 and very much early in the teen stage of things:) And she also sent me an ecard from one of my favorite videos of a little girl quoting Psalm 23. And it ends with a note of how mom's faith has an impact on their children, beautiful!!

I'll include it here:

Now I'm remembering to take my camera with me now I have to remember to snap pics LOL and upload them. I do have a few from this weekend that I will post, if not tonight tomorrow.

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