So as I posted yesterday (feels good on a roll two days of blogging:)) I'm working on killing old habits that creep up and end up sabotaging my weight loss. One such habit popped up today....lemme explain.
I went shopping yesterday with my daughter and we went out to eat, I ate out a ridiculous amount over the past few weeks and decided there and then I was going over to target, getting a few items so that we'd have breakfast and lunch for the next day, she's spending the summer with me at work. Refuse to spend a dime on food from a restaurant again for a minute. So also decided then and there, hey why don't I make this my 1st habit to kick, eating out less and carrying in my breakfast and lunch, and cooking dinner at home. That's the goal no calorie counting or anything just breaking this habit first and then growing from there.
Got into Target and picked up some smart foods popcorn, 100 calorie pack hostesses and stopped myself from getting anything else in the will aide in weight loss department. Today went to Whole Foods to buy food for dinner and immediately I'm over at the fruits, picked up some Agave and was searching out some Cream of Wheat or something to put in the oatmeal I already have. Great choices yes but problem is, I'm going from my "break from diet" stage to "time to diet" stage, all subconsciously let me add.
So I didn't buy any fruit( will do so but at the farmer's market and within reason) decided to do the same captin crunch breakfast tomorrow as I did today and again slapped my hands from going healthy...did buy the agave.
And point being again not that eating healthy is wrong, indeed it's what I need to strive for. But right now I need to break a habit that's been going on for who knows how long so that when I go for these items it's a permanent part of my life but because internally the on a diet alarm is sounding.
So that's my starter point, breaking the dining out habit and preparing my own meals except they won't be weight loss focused but simply eating at home. Not to say I'm going to stuff myself with whatever garbage I want to when I want, am saying I'm not going to put focus on both limiting certain foods and seeking to prepare them at home, focusing on the prep and growing from there.
Hey! I do think it's a good thing to eat at home instead of buying foods out often. I try to purposely buy food that I can take with me to work (or at least heat up in the microwave.)
I'm blessed because I mostly eat at home because I have a break for a few hours. But since I have a slightly different schedule this summer, I try to eat at home and then bring a sandwich of leftovers to heat up when I get hungry a little later.
It'll also help your cooking skills to cook your own meals. You can search for recipes that are not necessarily diet food, but food that is healthy!
God Bless!
Hey Chakia,
Indeed, not even sure where the habit of eating out begin if I had to guess working downtown has to do with it and allowing myself to get comfortable with that convenience of grabbing something from a plethora of choices.
I was taking my food in daily for a while and when I restarted my classes among other things, seemed like there was never time, now I'm learning to make best of the time I have and prioritizing.
But I actually love to cook which can be a part of my downfall because I love to be creative and like to make all type of things, not a fan of a lot of microwaveable foods and not a sandwich fan, especially ones pre-made for whatever the reason. But I decided to get over that and take sandwiches in and it's been cool, keeping it simple then buying a box of cereal and milk to keep at work, I can't eat breakfast but so early so eating that at home is out of the question but working on doing things smarter have been a tremendous blessing.
I have some recipe sites and blogs I go to which I plan to blog on here some day soon, but I'm staying away for a little bit and working with what I know for.
And I'm going to start meal planning so that when I have busier weeks, I'm always prepared even freezing some meals that can be thawed out and cooked when I'm ready to have it.
But even more than that, Setting Captives Free has been a blessing in getting my focus and just confirmation of the fact that I have some old habits to kill s it's been beautiful.
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