Thursday, July 9, 2009

Setting Captives Free

The Lord is so gracious, as I've embarked on getting at root issues that cause me to do the things I do, I was reminded of a ministry that I'd signed up for a few years ago but never went through with called Setting Captives Free. SCF is a ministry focused on doing just that with free online programs in the area of weight loss, sexual addiction and other areas (can check out a full list at by using the word of God and the reminder that our satisfaction is in Jesus Christ alone and that nothing will ever be a replacement for Him. It's a 60 day course and upon taking the first lesson online I've already had a lie exposed that I didn't realize. I ultimately want to lose weight to glorify God in my body, I'm not like I was when I was younger where I could have easily lost on the motivation to lose alone so I couldn't really see what could possibly hinder me. One thing I realized is that I was placing myself in a better position than some believers I know who went the route of weight loss surgery. While I wanted to applaud them for getting at the weight and I'd even discussed with a coworker when asked if I'd ever do it that I would not because it doesn't get the the root issue that causes one to eat in the first place, I hadn't realized that I partly wanted to lose to show those up that went the quicky route!

Sin is so deceitful and actually before I'd even went on the site, I was speaking with the Lord repenting for this very thing as I ran into said coworker saw how slim she's getting and reminded myself that she did it all wrong "I'm after all doing it the right way to glorify God" such pride! And thankfully that's been revealed repentance has taken place and I can move forward. Will be investing in a book from the dollar store today to do more examination of what could be my motives for losing other than glorifying God. And for those that may not be Christian reading this and may say what's the big deal, there are all sort of benefits to loosing weight however God made mankind to glorify Him, everything that we do for Him has benefit that far outweighs what we'd do to big up ourselves. So while it sounds silly and possibly "selfish of God" in reality everything we do is for His glory and our good. So anything done for God through us, we also benefit from. Example as it relates to this post, if I lose weight to look good I'd never reach a goal that would say I look good enough. If I lose weight because God didn't create me to be so overstuffed that the extra fat shows up in pounds on my body, I can be satisfied in knowing I'm at a healthy weight for my frame even if it's not the type of body I'd desire for myself.

So I'm excited for the journey:) Lastly, wanted to share a quote off of their site:
"One course member wrote, "I have been reminded that I can't just cut back on food but must actively find my satisfaction in Christ. The difference between The Lord's Table and other 'Christian' diet programs I've tried is that even if they say they focus on trusting Christ for strength, they don't teach learning to drink from Christ. They don't get to the root problem, which is finding our satisfaction in something outside of Christ.""

It's difficult to think wow I wasn't satisfied in Christ..well not really I know I can't say I was because my struggles are evidence of that yet I didn't know what area I wasn't satisfied in Him, this is giving me the tools needed to get at those root issues.

Oh also the program offers a mentor if those interested want to request one and suggests having an accountability partner.

Will be blogging throughout this journey and like I said with not trying to focus on weight loss but getting at these root issues, same here weight loss will just be an added bennie and still need to get that scale on over to my bro's house:)

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