Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Craziness in the Hood

My bro's friend since elementary school told him to warn me about being careful in my neighborhood. Basically there is a specific corner that he's on often and some guys drove up on them and robbed them got back in their car. Now that I'm typing may be drug related, friend may not be selling but wouldn't wouldn't be surprise that it's going down on that corner. So may have been an targeted issue nevertheless I was being warned about the hold up being he often sees me walking down that block.

I've been wanting to buy a car which I was planning to do in the Spring but immediately thought, getting that car ASAP. Funny because I was just talking about not needing a car and well I don't when it comes to the reason I said it. Don't need a car to get around living in the city. However there is a comfort in having a card driving right to my door when there is chaos going on where you live.

Yet I never want to have the attitude of needing a car as if it's the only mode of transportation in the world. Or something protecting me other than Jesus Christ. Wisdom says to get a car for a few reasons. My church fam will not let you walk home although I'm walking distance from my house LOL which is a blessing but don't want to inconvenience anyone if I don't have to as well as having that additional vehicle to offer rides to those that don't have cars and aren't as conveniently located to the church as I am. Then I also take night classes that don't let out late and it's just better to get out of my car than to get off of the bus and walk to my house which involves passing that corner.

Yet and still God is the one that keeps me and encamp his angels around me, my home, my child etc. So I had to place focus on him rather than getting caught up in situations. There has been plenty of times when I'd get home and two seconds later hear gun shots coming from up the street or where I've taken a different route home thinking for no particular reason, to miss the same type of incident happening at the time I would have gone down the street. So He is indeed the keeper of his own folk.

I've felt/feel that God has me right where He does for a reason in terms of where I'm living so not sure that I'm leaving this area any time soon and never really wanted to until recently. ATL is looking rather nice right about now:) And not sure if it's the violence going on or what but now I feel that nudge to move on but don't think that's His will for me right now, especially being I haven't not seen the things He's placed on my heart specific to this area come to pass.

The crazy thing is my neighborhood would be considered one of the nicer ones, I've lived on this block most of my life, inheriting it after my mom's passing so I can give a history from the 70's into current day. It's going downhill as people move out, never know what's coming in behind them or elderly pass away and family members not caring about the upkeep of the home or that member who is most likely to need to lean on the rest of the family, gets the house or just the unguided youth of this time. We did our stuff but today it's like no respect or fear of anything.

But it's like I tell all other believers in this area that eventually get a desire to leave. Place that disdain in proper perspective, get out there and do something. Even if it's being an example in the neighborhood. Wives loving on husband husbands loving on wive raising up their children to have a standard singles representing their ability to be satisfied in Christ, and getting out to the neighbors showing them the hope that is in Jesus Christ. No matter how crazy things get, He is always the one in control and has the final say when it comes to who can touch a hair on our heads.

Still going to get that car because it's time:) Yet not because I'm looking for a little bit more safety nothing is guaranteed and truth be told I was more noit when I drove than not, who's going to jack me or snuff me out because I'm not driving to their expectations etc. So can't depend upon things to be our covering. And grateful for the warning so that wisdom will show me what to do in my surroundings but also to pray, to be more active in reaching out to the community and simply being light in darkness.

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