Sunday, January 4, 2009

First Friday Fundamentals/Last day of Vacay

Welp, it's my last day of vacay before I go back to work. I've been a praying fool that I go back there with a right mindset. Not just because it's difficult to be around people that do not have any regard for the Lord, but it can bring to the forefront my own sins. Wanting to get at people with my mouth rather than walking in love. Not an easy task yet it is a situation that brings the need to grow in that are to the forefront.

And speaking of prayer, I attended FFF (First Friday Fundamentals) at Epiphany Fellowship here in Philly and was so so blessed. And if not familiar Ambassador from the group Cross Movement co-pastors this church along with Pastor Mase. And I bring up Ambassador not to name drop but to say these dudes get so much flack for being or being perceived as a certain type of Christian but when you hear him speak teach the word etc. His passion for the Lord is apparent. For instance as not to keep minds wondering what I mean, the desire to see people walk upright before the Lord and stand firm on sound doctrine is mistaken for wrong judgement oppose to it being the very word of God in a living example via one of His son's walking this earth.

One of the things Ambassador focused on is the access we have with the Father due to relationship had with Him. And how one of his first examples was seeing his own father and how he'd walk down the street praying to God and recognizing he wasn't just spitting out words but he spoke to Him as one who knows that He is real and He hears him. And that as a youth it made him desire the God of his pop. Then he had us each pray at the end of his teaching, representing the different ways in which we can approach the father. Rather standing, sitting with hands raised standing with hands raised laying prostrate or kneeling. And how we are to go to the Father as His children, not as "the big guy up there" yet we are also to reverence Him.

There are tons of details concerning that night but it truly left me with a renewed or perhaps a refreshed prayer life. From everything Shai Linne the faithful host often teacher often ministering in music, everything he stated to Ambassador to the rhymes God's Servant did, just a blessing I for one am grateful for their ministry/ministries and pray the Lord will continue to increase them even when persecuted hated on or misunderstood by the masses.

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