Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Web Design/Cleanse/Weight Loss

I'm am like trying really hard not to be stressed right now. I have my web design final project due tonight and intended to finish it over the weekend. Had that nagging feeling I was suppose to do something yet couldn't recall exactly what it was. Until it was late Sat. night!!! And Sunday my day was so packed that I didn't have time to get it done then either and I also have a Monday night class.

Got some done and my issues is to do it and leave it alone, don't add anything else to it don't touch it. Of course that doesn't work out I'm always looking at ways to improve. So what I'll have to do is rush home and finish it, not going to the class as I have the option to send it via email. Or I'm going to send him the site I finished for my sister last week. Not the design I sought to send but still mines and finished!!

Truly have to become better organized and so glad this is the last class for the semester. I have one more Monday class due to a snow day cancellation I need to make up. But that'll be doing the same, turning in the final project and decided the site I used for Web class I'm going to use to add flash to it so won't be pulling my hair out again.

On another note, Haven't been to the gym this week, since I'm doing a cleanse light movement is recommended but I wanted to get to the gym just to stay in the norm of things but again busyness prevented that so going tomorrow. More so doing it this week to stay consistent. And happy to say I'm past my plateau!! At least will be if I stick to eating this way after I'm done cleansing. I find the weight I lose during this time stays off, however I realize the need to not jump right back into old habits, even the ones that are for the most part good ones. I've decided to add to what I'm already eating, my yogurt, going to try to add cheese back slowly although I had some today have been restricting self from it as that's one of the recommended do not's. I haven't once followed this cleanse perfectly and actually this time decided to have some days where I choose to eat that which is recommended not to, so I wouldn't find myself wanting to eat everything in the fridge and so far so good.

One thing I would love to take back is eating at a Chinese Buffet Sunday! I did pretty well in terms of not eating a lot, ate tons of fruit and would have had salad but remembered that's one of my migraine triggers (salads from salad bars, not salad in general) so left that alone. Didn't matter still got one and my guess is the MSG. But it did bring to mind the fact that it's official, I can't jut eat what I want and be fine anymore which truly is a blessing!!! If I don't want to feel the way migraines make me feel, I will watch what I eat. Just have to find a way to eat those foods I like on an every now and again basis, trigger foods that is and I'm thinking most likely will make for self, that's the best option.

All for now, at the end of my cleanse I'm going to weight to see the final lost then maybe another week or two after that before I go on scale hiatus again:)

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