Monday, May 4, 2009

Godly encouraged/This upcoming weekend

In an effort to try to keep blog posts to a minimum I'm doing two of them today:)

Another goal of mines (read my weight loss goal:)) is truly planning out my days, especially when I know I'm going to be out and unable to get back home to eat or simply planned restaurant trips. This weekend will look much like last in terms of being away from home and around food. A concert on Friday night featuring artist Leah Smith. Not sure if she's a gospel artist or not LOL but from what I've heard of her music definitely a Christ representative. And this venue serves food and since I'm going right after work, I'll most likely eat there. Will have to check their website to see if I can find a menu.

Then on Saturday, an event I look forward to yearly which lasts most of the day. Rittenhouse Spring Fling (in Philly) music and opportunity to eat some samples from some of the best restaurants in the area including one who's bill could come to over $100....just for you let alone others in the party!! Needless to say this is the only opportunity I get to sample their food:) And we get to sample these things for a few bucks. I'm being real with myself at first I was going to go with just going to enjoy the time out and music and walking people watching etc, but knowing myself better than that, that's not going to fly and so planning to do a fruit breakfast a walk in the morning and perhaps a stop at my gym on the way home which is off of the street the festival is being held. I don't typically eat a ton of food at this festival but I'll give myself freedom to make some choices if I want something that could possibly be calorie heavy and I won't have a way of knowing. The samples are small ones as well so another good thing about this particular festival but going with giving myself plenty of room to use and then working on not taking myself up on it rather than as I said not getting anything and not sure if salad is an option.

I was so incredibly encouraged a few hours ago, one thing that I see about myself this time around compared to times past as it relates to weight loss is I'm determined to do this no matter how many times I fall off and I pray that God will continue to build that drive in me. Old habits are like rising up and taking their time dying off so I have to fight and stay focused on what is causing me to do what I do. For instance I'm use to taking breaks when I go out to eat, even if I order the healthier option I don't go through asking the waiter to have it steamed or baked. And so I can without even thinking about it go to a restaurant and want the opposite of what I'd prepare if I were at home. Or there are bad foods that are tucked in my brain that I could allow myself within reason/moderation. So just truly getting at these things and not allowing myself to stay discouraged if I get there and keeping it moving.

As a part of my plan, I'm thinking I'll save the full out plan for a post tomorrow, again in the name of shorter posts:) But one plan is I'm going to the gym for a half an hour during lunch, then an hour afterwards. This will help me to get the calories burned that I'd been missing according to my gofitwear band. So I went over to the gym thinking I had my shirt and bottom but I had two bottoms. Decided I'd have to work out in my shirt because I only had 1/2 hour to work with and not enough time to change if I were to buy a shirt from the gym. And half hour because it's not right around the corner from my job I have to walk a little ways so only doing 1 day at lunch which gets me back to the office a litte later than it should and praise God for a job that allots that. At any rate I did workout, walk on the treadmill with a 3 minute sprint which felt truly good!! But I primarily was encouraged because I even got there for that 1/2 and looking forward to getting back in a few. Also went back to my oats and salad:) By now I would have considered rather or not I just need to be a rep for the 18 wearing females that gets hated on:) Not the case when considering my body isn't made to carry extra weight, excess due to my taking in excess. If due to some metabolism issue or thyroid problem then I'd gladly represent but due to gluttony or laziness never. And that doesn't mean I'll get to this goal weight that I have to stay to but within reason not giving myself excuses for being at an unhealthy weight.

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